Home Family History Winona, Minnesota Hugo, Minnesota Kashubia


Family Heritage - Polish Family Heritage - French


Polish and French Heritage

The Ervin and Irene Sieracki family united in one household the descendants of two waves of immigration from Europe, one Polish and one French. The Sieracki family emigrated from Wiele, a village in the Kashubian region in northern Poland. They were part of the great Kashubian migration in the 1870s to America.  In the latter half of the 17th Century, King Louis XIV saw that the French settlements were not keeping pace with the British to the south so he sent soldiers to New France to protect the settlements and then sent women called King’s Daughters to begin the tradition of big families and assure the success of the colony. My mother’s Peloquin and Cummings ancestors, which include both soldiers and King’s daughters, emigrated from France to Sorel and Three Rivers, towns lying between Montreal and Quebec. Two centuries later, the families of my mother’s parents left Canada for a more prosperous life in Hugo, Minnesota.

This website offers my perspective on the most intriguing aspects of the history and culture of the family, and the reader is invited to rummage through the “Sieracki Attic” in the hope of finding interesting family memorabilia.


Ervin Sieracki Family



Page Last Updated November 30, 2023
Copyright 2020 Charles Sieracki